v2.5.08 terrain1a.spec: added (inaccessible set to charcoal, replaces overwrite with a file toggle) bases.spec: changed reference of 'trench' to 'outpost' and 'airfield' to 'airstrip' terrain1.png: huts enlarged by 50% to increase visibility on some terrains bases.png: edited airstrip to bring it into line with amplio2 v2.5.07 MASSIVE REVAMP tiles resized to 126x64 ampliohexbig supports only vanilla tiles, while ampliohexbigXU has extras. v2.5.06 terrain2.png: revamped tiles; created inaccessible water tiles terrain2.spec: referenced inaccessible water tiles t2ref.png: removed tiles related to defunct tiles; created tiles related to new tiles void.png: moved inaccessible and black to terrain1.png void.spec: removed references terrain1.png: moved inaccessible and black tiles here; created inaccessible land tile terrain1.spec: created references to new tiles terrain1b.spec: added (additional file to override inaccessible from charcoal to compass) AmplioHexBig2.tilespec: added (inaccessible compass version) AmplioHexBigXU2.tilespec: added (inaccessible compass version) v2.5.05 CHANGED NAME, DIRECTORY, AND REFERENCES TO AMPLIOHEXBIG terrain1.png: revamped irrigation and farmland terrain1.png: added elephant icon and reoriented all 'animal' resources right terrain1.spec: referenced elephant icon 'ts.elephant' void.png: changed inaccessible tile to one with charcoal drifts on it, moved black tile void.spec: created black tile references ampliohexbig.tilespec: added tile type 'black' for modders who wish to use a black tile terrain2.png: revamped tiles with river mouths built in on all tiles terrain2.png: removed/moved unnecessary tiles terrain2.spec: referenced moved tiles /Reference: added folder for reference files (unused by game) t2ref.png: added for terrain2.png references roadsref.png: added for roads reference cities.png: moved non-city tiles to bases.png cities.spec: moved non-city references to bases.spec bases.png: added; Separate Trench, Fortress, Airfield, Airbase, and Buoy included. bases.spec: added rivers.png: completely revamped rivers; blanked river mouths roads.png: editted roads and paved roads canals.png: added canals.spec: added terrain4.png: touched up dry hills /extraunits: added folder with extra units ampliohexbigXU.png: added ampliohexbigXU.spec: added v2.5.04 terrain1.png: split into terrain1.png and roads.png terrain1.spec: split into terrain1.spec and roads.spec terrain1.png: reordered and resized roads.png: added full set of railroad and monorail images (with curves!) roads.spec: referenced new railroad/monorail images terrain3.png: split into terrain3.png(forests), terrain4.png(hills), and terrain5.png(mountains) terrain3.spec: split into terrain3.spec, terrain4.spec, and terrain5.spec terrain4.png: added dryhills, (tundra) highlands, and icyhills images terrain4.spec: referenced new hill types flags.spec: updated to 2.5.0b1 amplio2hexbig.tilespec: pavement, monorail, tundra, dryhills, highlands, and icyhills fully enabled filelist.txt: added v2.5.03 unitextras.spec: properly referenced miniature road and rail icons. old 'R' icon referenced as 'unit.rest' unitextras.png: edited fortifying icon, replacing it with a silhouette of the fortified icon with yellow highlighting. old 'F' icon referenced as 'unit.farm' unitextras.png: edited road, rail, pave, mono icons for visibility units.png: added more appropriate 'spg' icon for howitzers units.spec: referenced howitzers to new 'spg' icon, referenced artillery to 'howitzer' icon, referenced cannon to 'artillery' icon unitcost.png: touched up on unit cost icons maintenance.txt added (note on updating flags.spec if new nations or flags are added) terrain1.png: added saltpeter, aluminum, and uranium icons; tweaked seal icon terrain1.spec: referenced saltpeter, aluminum, and uranium icons v2.5.02 tileset.spec: removed references to nonexistant /misc/ files v2.5.01 flags.spec updated (and saved this time) v2.5.00 Updated for 2.5 ruleset flags.spec updated amplio2hexbig.tilespec: [tile_black] changed to [tile_inaccessible] void.spec: changed 'black' tile layers to 'inaccessible' grid.png: small touchup to unworkable tile border unitextras.png: added miniature fortress, airbase, and buoy building images. unitextras.png: added miniature road, railroad, pavement, and monorail building images for ruleset editors unitextras.spec: added references to buoy, road2, railroad, pavement, monorail icons unitextras.spec: uncommented explorakill and autoattack icons v1.7d void.spec now properly looks in directory /data/amplio2hexbig rather than /data/amplio2hexbig2 units.png cleaned a little top section of unitcost.png edited to look (better) more like the bottom section v1.7c Converted units.png and units.spec into 64x64 format Reduced unit y offset to 26 in amplio2hexbig.tilespec v1.7b Referenced data/misc/wonders-large.spec Very slightly tweaked rivers.png to connect 'apparently' disjointed sections of river at the source v1.7a Minor Adjustments to units.png and units.spec (Including putting Amplio2 diplomat back in until I get word from Ngunjaca) Minor Adjustments to river outlet color in rivers.png and rivers.spec Added mine_sprite to all terrains in amplio2hexbig.tilespec v1.7 Trimmed and realigned grid.png and grid.spec (top, left, and border all reduced to 1) Realigned, Tweaked, & Added 'outside corner' darkening to darkness.png and darkness.spec (top, left, and border all reduced to 1) Merged darkness.png and darkness.spec into grid.png and grid.spec Reference to data/misc/buildings.spec changed to data/misc/buildings-large.spec mask.tile properly referenced and trimmed in terrain1.png and terrain1.spec revamped unit offset to improve visibility of unselected unitextras on military base (fortress) Added units.png and units.spec with all default units, using partially modified amplio2 units Added untested 2.5 alpha patch to apply AFTER the rest of 1.7 is applied v1.6 Deep Oceans blended (except with Lakes, which should not occur; same 'sand' appearing as with Ocean-Lake blending) Irrigation redone with translucent 'mud' rather than opaque Farmland transparency increased from 0 to 20% in terrain1.png Added Convert icon to unitextras.png Differentiated deep ocean(lighter) and fogged ocean(higher saturation) better in terrain2.png Added icons for (theoretical) AI commands 'Aggressive Exploration'(crossed swords) and 'Auto-Attack'(Sword on Shield) to unitextras.png Added monorails to terrain1.png v1.5 Added void.png and void.spec files Added starry 'void', starry(with stalactites hanging from land/water) 'void2', brown 'dirt', and 'black' tiles Mountains, Hills, Forests, Jungles, and Taiga Edited to reduce unexplored tile creeping v1.4 Iceberg Layer created Oceans Blended together New Roads, Paved Roads, and Railroad Created Added select.png and select.spec Referenced Amplio2's unit explosion graphics (explosions.png and explosions.spec files) v1.3 Rivers Converted to Amplio Lakes Blended v1.2 Oceans Converted to Amplio Lakes Converted to their own, brighter tiles Added Taiga tiles v1.1 Hills Converted to Amplio v1.0 Base Layer Converted to Amplio Mountains Converted to Amplio Darkness altered to translucent tiles